* A very special thanks to Larry Cote, director of the Newport Historical Society, for providing me, and my family, with an abundance of information! *
This is my 2nd Great Grand Uncle, Frank Harland Reed. He was the brother of my 2nd Great Grandfather, Herbert, and the son of Jackson.
When I first opened the packet of information provided by Mr. Cote, I assumed it was my Great Grandfather, Frank James. Upon reading the information, I discovered there was 4 Frank's in the family. Although I am a little disappointed it was not my great grandfather, it is interesting to see what my great uncle looks like. Disappointing, but intriguing at the same time.
Mr. Cote will never truly understand how much relief and appreciation I have from this information. I sent him a responding email thanking him, but no words can truly describe my feelings. This information made it possible for me to get beyond the 'stuck' point with Jackson's father, because I did not have any dates, or any information. I was able to reach as far back as 1495 (so far anyway)!
My grandmother would be more than happy, which I am sure she is smiling down from heaven!
This is for you, Grammy! I love and miss you! I refuse to let your heritage dwindle.
Gotta love that photo, regardless. It is a great picture of him.