Thursday, September 18, 2014

Criticism among Americans

Today is a venting post:

I know I should not read the comments below articles, such as on Yahoo!  I cannot help myself though.  It is amazing how many people consider themselves a critic.  First of all, I understand that every person has the right to their own opinion.  Free speech is what this wonderful country thrives on, and what a portion of it is about (this country is more than free speech: right to happiness, freedom in general, etc).  However, people are taking it to an extreme.  Some think they are 'professionals'.  I laugh at this notion.  If you (generalizing, not personalizing) are going to critique another, make sure you have the credentials to back it up; along with, or taking the time to search for, references to back up your claims.

This subject has been running through my mind for the past few months because I am enrolled in school to become an author.  I know I will receive many 'critiques' on my works, many of which will not be from professionals.  I will have to take those with a grain of salt.  Today was a final straw, if you will, because I was reading an article about Nick Cannon's diamond shoes, which he wore on the finale of America's Got Talent.  Yes, they may have been over the top, but it was the finale.  Furthermore, he is looking for a charity to donate them; therefore, it is not as bad as some celebrities that spend millions of dollars on multiple cars (many that sit collecting dust [figuratively, because they have staff to wash them]) and multiple homes.  Some celebrities, for instance Cyndi Lauper, continuously give support and donations to charities.  Some celebrities are anonymous about their donations, some are public.  The fact remains that Mr. Cannon is not keeping the shoes, so how can people say he is wrong for what he did?

Mr. Cannon did make a decision to wear the shoes.  This is a free country and is his right!  Do not forget that.  The fact that he is donating them to a charity is more than what most would do afterward.  I give the man credit for being spectacular in the finale and then giving back to a great cause in return.

Second, there is not one person on this planet, myself included, that has not made a decision in his or her life that has caused friction in one way or another.  Thus, reminds me of a old saying:
                                     People who live in glass houses should not throw stones

Before you judge someone else, make sure you have not done something similar or bad in your life.

Lastly, if you are going to offer your opinion about or to another, please choose the correct tone; otherwise go to school and learn how to properly conduct a critique!  There is a difference between a critique and an opinion.  If you do not know what it is, it is simple to find out: Webster's Dictionary!

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