Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Today is the first day of my two week vacation!  A much needed break is for sure!  My mind needs this temporary slip from reality.

On my first day, I have reviewed my ancestry tree, and have come to the conclusion that I need to start over with the McKenzie side.  I will keep my grandmother's family (whom married my Grandfather McKenzie) because I have documentation proving that side is correct.  It is difficult to complete the McKenzie portion because I no longer speak to that side.  Once my grandmother passed away, there was no need to continue communication.  That, in itself, is a very long story, but for those who know the situation will understand.  However, before discontinuing the communication, I was told by a family member that the spelling was changed from MacKenzie to McKenzie.  We will see what I find out now.

As far as the Reed family (my grandmother's side), I had come to a 'dead end'.  I managed to get to my 5th great grandfather, but after that is nil.  So, with Forrest's advice, I emailed the town's historical society to find out if more information on the family could be disclosed.  My 4th Great Grandfather Reed built the schoolhouse and church in Newport, NH, which I found out through discovering his obituary.  The search continues.

My mother's father's family is not exactly easy.  Every other generation, it seems, is named the same.  Either the name is Joseph or John.  This goes on for, if I remember correctly, 5 generations.  Talk about getting confused.  I really have to pay attention to the dates, or I can easily mess up.  That would not be a fun thing.  My mother's mother's side is not bad to find, but just a little confusing because one person, Allie Piper, has three different middle names listed.  It is a matter of finding out which one is the correct one.  A process I am more than willing to figure out over this vacation.

Tomorrow, Forrest and I are heading to downtown Savannah.  We want to take pictures and look at the sites.  Yes, we are going to be tourists for the day!  I cannot wait.  I am excited to do that.  The weather is expected to be humid, but we will leave early in the morning.

Multicultural Literature course is now over with and I should receive my final grade soon.  So far, as of week 4, I had 100%.  I know they cannot give out a perfect grade, so I am expecting some points to be deducted on the final, especially since it was a team final.  I will post the actual final grade when it is posted to me.

Other than that, not much going on.  I know, how exciting.  The life of a college man is not as exciting as most believe it is.  After school is done, that is when life will really become fun!

One other thing I am going to achieve during this vacation is to have another publication.  I am still leaning toward a short story, but leaving my options open.

I hope you all are having a great week!  HUGS to you all!


  1. It will be fun for your BD to tour where we live....finally.

  2. I know....between school and your work....geez lol. Oh, and don't forget the DD (Dunkin Donuts coffee)!
