Friday, September 26, 2014

Downtown Savannah

Forrest's boss gave him an extra day off because his vacation was cut short, so he took today as that day off.  We went to downtown Savannah and walked around.  It was a very nice day for it.  A slight breeze, cooler temperatures.  At least, cooler than it has been.

It was a nice walk.  We went into a couple stores, which were extremely pricey, but it is Savannah.  We decided at 11:15 to have lunch at Panera Bread.

Overall, the day was fun and it was nice to do something out of the ordinary.  Now, we are both drained and just sitting around.  I will post pictures soon of our day there.

Monday, September 22, 2014

End of Vacation and Beginning of....

Today is my last day of vacation.  A part of me is sad, but another part is excited for what is to occur.  My next class, which starts tomorrow, is Childrens Literature in a Pluralistic Society.  I already bought the book and looked through it.  It will definitely be an interesting class!

Last night, I was working on my ancestry, and for some unknown reason, my father's side of the history was wiped out completely.  Technology, what a wonderful concept.  I had to input all information, including my father's.  Thankfully, the Newport Historical Society sent me the information!  I had my grandmother's line all the way back to the 10th century!  I was smart, mostly thanks to Forrest, to have saved as many documents as possible (not including the Historical Society's because that I will definitely keep and is in a three-ring binder)!.

Upon the search last night, I did accidentally find a picture of a McKenzie family photo c.1914.  The moment I looked at it, I was blown away.  One of the people, the older gentleman, looks almost exactly like my grandfather!  I have a picture of my grandfather, held it up to that family photo and Forrest also agreed.  I wrote the person who had the picture, but we have not figured out if that is part of my family or not.  Man, I hope it is.  It would be nice to have a family photo, especially from that time!  The funny part is: during the research of my McKenzie side, four names in the family photo keep popping up (before I even saw the photo).  I am hoping and thinking they are!  Only time will figure it all out.

I also wrote three Historical Society's this morning, hoping for more information on the rest of my family.  It becomes very confusing and difficult when there are more than one person's with the same name.  Thinking about the difficult time I am currently having with this, I wonder what future researchers within my family will have with my name, since my father and I share the same name.  If any more people in my family, while I am living, name their child after them, I will scream!  I understand that it is to preserve the family name, but think about the future researchers!  Of course, I am kidding, to a point.

At the same time as completing all of this, I am in the process of retyping one of the documents that the Newport Historical Society sent me.  It is old and faded.  I am going to buy some clear protective pages for it, but want to retype it, just in case.  This and getting ready for the new class.  So far, I have the physical folders labeled for my filing cabinet, and have my computer folders labeled and ready for my sandisk.  I like to have both physical documentation and electronic.

That is it for today.  That is enough!

I hope you all have a great week!
Hugs and loves to you all!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Criticism among Americans

Today is a venting post:

I know I should not read the comments below articles, such as on Yahoo!  I cannot help myself though.  It is amazing how many people consider themselves a critic.  First of all, I understand that every person has the right to their own opinion.  Free speech is what this wonderful country thrives on, and what a portion of it is about (this country is more than free speech: right to happiness, freedom in general, etc).  However, people are taking it to an extreme.  Some think they are 'professionals'.  I laugh at this notion.  If you (generalizing, not personalizing) are going to critique another, make sure you have the credentials to back it up; along with, or taking the time to search for, references to back up your claims.

This subject has been running through my mind for the past few months because I am enrolled in school to become an author.  I know I will receive many 'critiques' on my works, many of which will not be from professionals.  I will have to take those with a grain of salt.  Today was a final straw, if you will, because I was reading an article about Nick Cannon's diamond shoes, which he wore on the finale of America's Got Talent.  Yes, they may have been over the top, but it was the finale.  Furthermore, he is looking for a charity to donate them; therefore, it is not as bad as some celebrities that spend millions of dollars on multiple cars (many that sit collecting dust [figuratively, because they have staff to wash them]) and multiple homes.  Some celebrities, for instance Cyndi Lauper, continuously give support and donations to charities.  Some celebrities are anonymous about their donations, some are public.  The fact remains that Mr. Cannon is not keeping the shoes, so how can people say he is wrong for what he did?

Mr. Cannon did make a decision to wear the shoes.  This is a free country and is his right!  Do not forget that.  The fact that he is donating them to a charity is more than what most would do afterward.  I give the man credit for being spectacular in the finale and then giving back to a great cause in return.

Second, there is not one person on this planet, myself included, that has not made a decision in his or her life that has caused friction in one way or another.  Thus, reminds me of a old saying:
                                     People who live in glass houses should not throw stones

Before you judge someone else, make sure you have not done something similar or bad in your life.

Lastly, if you are going to offer your opinion about or to another, please choose the correct tone; otherwise go to school and learn how to properly conduct a critique!  There is a difference between a critique and an opinion.  If you do not know what it is, it is simple to find out: Webster's Dictionary!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Ancestry continues...

* A very special thanks to Larry Cote, director of the Newport Historical Society, for providing me, and my family, with an abundance of information! *

This is my 2nd Great Grand Uncle, Frank Harland Reed.  He was the brother of my 2nd Great Grandfather, Herbert, and the son of Jackson.

When I first opened the packet of information provided by Mr. Cote, I assumed it was my Great Grandfather, Frank James.  Upon reading the information, I discovered there was 4 Frank's in the family.  Although I am a little disappointed it was not my great grandfather, it is interesting to see what my great uncle looks like.  Disappointing, but intriguing at the same time.

Mr. Cote will never truly understand how much relief and appreciation I have from this information.  I sent him a responding email thanking him, but no words can truly describe my feelings.  This information made it possible for me to get beyond the 'stuck' point with Jackson's father, because I did not have any dates, or any information.  I was able to reach as far back as 1495 (so far anyway)!

My grandmother would be more than happy, which I am sure she is smiling down from heaven!

This is for you, Grammy!  I love and miss you!  I refuse to let your heritage dwindle.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Today is the first day of my two week vacation!  A much needed break is for sure!  My mind needs this temporary slip from reality.

On my first day, I have reviewed my ancestry tree, and have come to the conclusion that I need to start over with the McKenzie side.  I will keep my grandmother's family (whom married my Grandfather McKenzie) because I have documentation proving that side is correct.  It is difficult to complete the McKenzie portion because I no longer speak to that side.  Once my grandmother passed away, there was no need to continue communication.  That, in itself, is a very long story, but for those who know the situation will understand.  However, before discontinuing the communication, I was told by a family member that the spelling was changed from MacKenzie to McKenzie.  We will see what I find out now.

As far as the Reed family (my grandmother's side), I had come to a 'dead end'.  I managed to get to my 5th great grandfather, but after that is nil.  So, with Forrest's advice, I emailed the town's historical society to find out if more information on the family could be disclosed.  My 4th Great Grandfather Reed built the schoolhouse and church in Newport, NH, which I found out through discovering his obituary.  The search continues.

My mother's father's family is not exactly easy.  Every other generation, it seems, is named the same.  Either the name is Joseph or John.  This goes on for, if I remember correctly, 5 generations.  Talk about getting confused.  I really have to pay attention to the dates, or I can easily mess up.  That would not be a fun thing.  My mother's mother's side is not bad to find, but just a little confusing because one person, Allie Piper, has three different middle names listed.  It is a matter of finding out which one is the correct one.  A process I am more than willing to figure out over this vacation.

Tomorrow, Forrest and I are heading to downtown Savannah.  We want to take pictures and look at the sites.  Yes, we are going to be tourists for the day!  I cannot wait.  I am excited to do that.  The weather is expected to be humid, but we will leave early in the morning.

Multicultural Literature course is now over with and I should receive my final grade soon.  So far, as of week 4, I had 100%.  I know they cannot give out a perfect grade, so I am expecting some points to be deducted on the final, especially since it was a team final.  I will post the actual final grade when it is posted to me.

Other than that, not much going on.  I know, how exciting.  The life of a college man is not as exciting as most believe it is.  After school is done, that is when life will really become fun!

One other thing I am going to achieve during this vacation is to have another publication.  I am still leaning toward a short story, but leaving my options open.

I hope you all are having a great week!  HUGS to you all!

Friday, September 5, 2014

The weekend is here

Happy Friday!  The weekend is officially here!

I am excited today.  I have my portions to the team final completed, and awaiting the team to review them.  I have a few things left to do in class, but four more days and the end of class will be here, which starts my vacation for two weeks!

I guess, I did not have much to say.  It's not easy typing this while Forrest is talking to me in the background (I have no idea what he's saying, although he was just singing something).

Have a fun and safe weekend to you all out there in the virtual world!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

My 4th Great Grandfather John

This one is my 4th Great Grandfather, John.  He was in the Civil War (hence the uniform).  I did find documents of his company, which I forget now (have them saved).

For some reason, my older generations looked more mean.  I look at my present family and they do not look this mean.  I bet those back then did not get messed with very often.  I know I would not mess with him.  He could definitely hurt me.  On the other hand, I bet he was a nice guy.

The site had a lot of information about this man, more than most I have found so far.  The picture from the site was in color, but Forrest switched it back to black and white, for a more natural, and realistic, photo.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My 4th Great Grandmother, Jane!

Today I am sharing a picture of my 4th Great Grandmother, Jane.  It is so amazing how many photos I am finding of my family.

This week is finals week; therefore, I am not completing much of my family history.  Classwork does have priority.  The time spent away from the research will give it time to get more 'leafs' (family research hints).

So far, I have reached as far back as the 1700's!  During the investigation, I have found I am from Scotland, Canada, United States (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut).  It is believed that one of my family members is originally from Ireland.  We will see if that is correct.

One of my uncle's (from my grandmother's first marriage) completed some genealogy from her (my grandmother's) side, and said that I am related to Hannah Dustin and am also the 13th generation of a witch.  It will be interesting to find those connections!

Is it me, or does Jane look like she could do some harm?   Definitely not one to mess with.  That is how my family was though.  They were sweet and the most gentle, loving people, until they got mad.  Then move to the side and hope the anger was not because of something you did wrong lol.