Sunday, August 31, 2014

Tree of Life hymn inspiration

In the process of researching my family tree, I am completing my usual postings in class.  This week we had to read a poem (hymn) from Garrison Keillor "Sweet, Sweet Corn".  One of our tasks were to write a hymn of our own, should we choose to do so (it was not required).  Inspired by my recent research of my family tree, I wrote the following hymn:

Tree of life, take me back
Scottish, Irish, French, so many more
The boat has brought you here
To this land of free and dear
New perspectives, opportunities galore
Free your mind, your heart, your soul
A new beginning, the past a memory
Though now is sought to come alive again
Teaching the ways of old
To branch out again
With the past of gold

* The picture is my Great Grandparents (my mother's grandparents)

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