Friday, August 8, 2014


This is the first week of Multicultural Literature, which I have to say is very interesting!  I am really enjoying the reading and information I am acquiring.  The first assignment was a bit of a challenge for me.  First, it had to be a maximum of 700 words.  Now, after writing many essays over 1,000 words, I thought it was going to be simple.  Not so.  I completed it, though I have to edit and revise it now.  The most difficult part was editing while writing to keep under the maximum.  I could have written double that word count!  That is funny because two years ago, I was worried about making the minimum word count.

The assignment itself is to write about an experience I have had with someone of a different culture or ethnicity.  Growing up in New Hampshire, this was not a problem.  New England is full of diversity.  I think that may be why I loved it there so much.  No one cared about what another was doing, who they loved, or what they looked like.  Okay, if someone dressed as a clown and walked into the mall, yes, people would have looked, but for the most part, people did not care.  If I had worn some outfits down here (GA) as I did up there, I would get some looks for sure.  I mean, some were not bad, holes in jeans or whatever.  Heck they look at me weird when I wear my spring coat in the middle of winter, and they are dressed like they should be in Alaska.  Wow, so anyway, back to my point.  I did choose a person that I met who was originally from Africa.  A very interesting man.  An incredibly smart man.  I knew he would be the perfect candidate for my narrative essay.

The other difference to this particular assignment is the format.  I have to write a narrative essay, which means writing in first-person (I, me, etc.), instead of APA format of third-person (They, he, she, etc.).  That part was not difficult, but remembering it after so long of not permitted to is a challenge at times.  I got in the habit of it, so it became second nature to me.  It will be interesting to see what happens with the grading.  I will not post the weekly grades, but I will continue to post the final grades on here.

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