I have not made as many posts as I have wanted to on here, but school has priority. Speaking of school, I am in my 9th month straight without any break at all. The majority of that time was 7 days per week. Some days included less work than other days, but that is not including housework and taking care of the dog. That is not involving the stress of the math courses I had to endure, trying to get financial aid figured out (the transition from Associates to Bachelor's messed some aspects up), and trying to figure out my next adventure for publication.
As far as the financial aid is concerned, I know I should not get my head soaked up in that mess. I am not one for math, nor do I understand much of what they are saying. I do, however, understand the generalization of this situation. It just freaks me out because when there is a problem, I automatically think I may have to pay out of pocket. I do not think that is going to be the case. It does get scary though. That is a lot of money, I do not have. Hence, this is why I am back in school: to get an education with a huge pay out in the end. Of course, not to mention to enjoy my career.
Speaking of career, I have decided two things: to take a vacation after this course and to write a short story during that vacation, then try to have it published. Should this one become published, that would make two publications this year! I am not entirely sure what the short story will be about, but I have a couple of ideas. I have time to figure that all out.
The vacation is needed! I need to step away and relax the mind for a few. I have decided to take 2 weeks off, which is the maximum for between classes without interfering with financial aid. I did that on purpose. First reason is because Forrest is taking his week vacation the first week I am; therefore, we will have one week off together. We are thinking about taking a day trip somewhere, maybe Hilton Head, but not sure about that yet. We are definitely going to go downtown Savannah and take pictures. For those of you who know me, yes, there will be a stop at a coffee shop!
Yes, I mentioned the math courses again....again. It was traumatizing (you should sense some sarcasm there). I have let it go, but without a break, it seems to always come up. I think because I am tired, drained, and need to blame something. Though, I do realize I do not have to blame anything, it is more fun to blame math. If you had not noticed by now, I do not like math. Any chance to blame it for anything is worth my time. (Insert smile here).
Nothing much going on other than that stuff. I know exciting stuff. What can I say? I do not have an exciting life just yet. Although, the dog (K.B.) does keep me on my toes. She is so cute. That reminds me, I have to post a picture of her. I may do that on my Google+.
I will have plenty to post about in March 2015. Forrest and I are going to Key West for my sister's wedding (or should I say prenuptial). I cannot wait for that. She surprised me one day when she called up and asked me to give her away! I did not hesitate. (Okay, I did for a second, only because I realized I would have to dress up. It is for her though, so I can muddle through a couple hours. Believe me when I say, when it is over, the jeans and t-shirt is back in style!) For those who do not know, my sister is my best friend. We have always been close and I look up to her. She is smart, beautiful, has a heart of gold, and inspires me to be better every day. Who knows where I would have ended up if she was not in my life. I love you, sis. Okay, enough of the sappy stuff. I have never been to Key West, so this will be an exciting experience. Forrest lived there for about 10 years, if I remember correctly; therefore, he knows where to go. That will be a huge help. We do have to reserve a room still, which we will do very soon. That is his job.
I guess I should stop there. I could mumble on some more, but that would only bore you all. Have a great night! Until next time, keep smiling and spread the love!
I see I have a future as a vacation planner. I'd like that job.