Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Future: Bleak or Bright?

The past year has been harsh.  I am trying to maintain my respect and love for humanity, but that is, I'm afraid, quickly diminishing.  There are people killing people on the streets in the back.  People rocketing bullets through cinemas, malls, churches, parking lots, and schools.  Those in government positions refusing to complete their job because they want to satisfy their selfish needs.  Moreover, the one's that are discriminated against and affected by the criminals are posting rude comments, which include name calling and hateful messages.

Meanwhile, Chile had one of its strongest earthquakes it has witnessed.  Volcanoes are erupting.  California's drought that is so extreme that water usage is limited.  Wild fires killing nature and firemen.  There is enough natural disasters that are devastating.  We cannot keep killing each other on top of that.

When does it all stop?  When is humanity going to stand up and realize how we are treating each other?  What will be the defining moment that wakes us up?

I am beginning to think that humanity needs another wake-up call.  I do not like to suggest such a thing because I believe that we, as a world, can come together and make a difference, and change our way of thinking selfishly.  We can show our future generations that we are not evil.  We can stand together and fight for love and freedom.  Unfortunately, the majority have already decided that they, as individuals, are more important.

Not only is the United States divided, but the entire world is divided.  We are overpopulated, and increases every day.  Thus, there is more people to deal with and tolerate, but we can, I believe, start caring about each other now.  The time is now!  Otherwise, we are not going to like the results in the future.

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